Posts Tagged ‘ Dr. Kunal Patel ’

Routine vs Medical eye care at Tower Clock Eye Center

Dr. Patel presents to LRI

Yesterday Dr. Kunal Patel presented to the Fox Cities Living in Retirement group at Oak Park Place in Menasha. Dr. Patel spoke on everything from basic eye exams to specific glaucoma and cataract surgeries. Our surgeons frequently speak at such events to better inform the public of eye health.

Tower Clock Eye Center's Dr. Kunal Patel, MD.

Is eye rubbing safe?

We all do it, sometimes because our eyes are dry or irritated, or because it’s been a long day, or maybe you have something in your eye and rubbing it feel good. For whatever reason, check out this brief video from Dr. Kunal Patel, MD, as he tells you about the safety of rubbing your […]

Dr Kunal Patel, MD, of Tower Clock Eye Center instructs staff in Green Bay and Appleton Wisconsin

Dr. Patel instructs staff on eyelid conditions

Last night Kunal Patel, MD, presented Review of Common Eyelid Conditions to Tower Clock Eye Center techs and other staff. The presentation gave those in attendance added insight into several diseases and remedies for eyelid maladies. Our doctors regularly hold such events to further educate staff to provide our patients the best possible care.

Dr. Kunal Patel, MD, presents to the Green Bay Area Retired Men's Club.

Dr. Patel presents to GBARMC

Today, Dr. Kunal Patel, MD, entertained (and was entertained by) 121 members of the Green Bay Area Retired Men’s Club. Dr. Patel presented on eye health, stressed the importance of yearly eye exams, and discussed eye diseases such as cataracts, AMD and glaucoma. Tower Clock Eye Center doctors enjoy presenting to community groups to share […]

Presbyopia with Dr. Kunal Patel, MD

Over 40? Learn about presbyopia with Dr. Kunal Patel, MD

Presbyopia is a condition that affects all of us as we age. Starting around the age of 40, you may experience presbyopia as your vision changes. Learn more from Dr. Kunal Patel, MD,about this condition, and how it’s remedied at Tower Clock Eye Center.

Dr. Patel presents to LLI

Yesterday Dr. Kunal Patel presented a class to the UWGB Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) on common eye conditions on campus. Over 70 attendees learned about cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye and many other eye diseases. Dr. Patel discussed the basics of eye care, such as the difference between an optometrist and an ophthalmologist, to more in […]

Tower Clock Eye Center Best of the Bay Winner 2023

Best of the Bay Winner 2023

Tower Clock Eye Center is the Best of the Bay in 2023! Thank you to all who voted for our clinic! This is the eighth consecutive year you’ve voted us the best in the annual voting contest. We are voted both Best LASIK practice and Best Eye Care Clinic. Additionally, we were voted as a […]

Tower Clock Eye Center's Dr. Kunal Patel, MD, discusses eye styes.

What is a stye?

We’ve all likely had one at some point, but what is a stye? And more importantly how can you prevent or treat it. Watch Dr. Kunal Patel, MD, explain what a stye is and simple things you can do to help it heal faster. For appointments, call 920 499-3102.

Tower Clock Eye Center surgeons provide continuing medical education at Shopko Optical's conference at Lambeau Field

Tower Clock Eye Center doctors provide CME to nearly 100 ODs

Over the weekend, Tower Clock Eye Center Drs. Kunal Patel, Matthew Thompson and Kurt Schwiesow presented continuing medical education (CME) to nearly 100 optometrists for Shopko Optical’s annual corporate meeting held at Lambeau Field. The event was attended by Shopko ODs from Washington to Ohio, as well as many independent area optometrists.      

Dr. Patel now in Appleton

Tower Clock Eye Center ophthalmologist Dr. Kunal Patel, MD, is now seeing patients at our Appleton location. To schedule with Dr. Patel, or any of our other providers, please call 920 499-3102.

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Dr. Patel presents to LRI

Yesterday Dr. Kunal Patel presented to the Fox Cities Living in Retirement group at Oak Park Place in Menasha. Dr. Patel spoke on everything from basic eye exams to specific glaucoma and cataract surgeries. Our surgeons frequently speak at such events to better inform the public of eye health.


Closed Labor Day

All Tower Clock Eye Center and Surgery Center locations will be closed Monday, September 2 in observance of the Labor Day holiday. We will reopen with normal business hours on Tuesday, September 3. We wish everyone to have a happy and safe Labor Day!

Locate Our Office

Green Bay Office

1087 West Mason St
Green Bay, WI 54303

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Shawano Office

229 East Green Bay Street
Shawano, WI 54166

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Tower Clock Surgery Center

1077 West Mason Street
Green Bay, WI 54303

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Appleton Office

3142 N. Richmond St.
Appleton, WI 54911

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