Posts Tagged ‘ eye problems ’

Dr. Matthew Thompson, MD. of Tower Clock Eye Center talks about eyes changing color.

Pinguecula explained

Watch Dr. Matthew Thompson, MD, describe what a pingueculum is and how they’re treated at Tower Clock Eye Center. These non-cancerous growths on the conjunctiva are fairly common and caused by sun exposure.  

Tower Clock Eye Center's Dr. Kunal Patel, MD.

Is eye rubbing safe?

We all do it, sometimes because our eyes are dry or irritated, or because it’s been a long day, or maybe you have something in your eye and rubbing it feel good. For whatever reason, check out this brief video from Dr. Kunal Patel, MD, as he tells you about the safety of rubbing your […]

Tower Clock Eye Center's Dr. Matthew Thompson, MD, describes how foreign bodies are removed from the eye.

Foreign body removal

We’ve all been there, happily going about our day when something finds its way into our eye.  Ugh! March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month, but Dr. Matt’s video below rings true for life both in and out of work. Learn how Tower Clock Eye Center physicians remove foreign bodies from the eye, and the importance […]

Dr. Jamie Myers discusses ocular migraines

Ocular migraines with Dr. Jamie Myers, OD

Learn about ocular migraines with Tower Clock Eye Center optometrist Dr. Jamie Myers, where she discusses the symptoms and possible causes for the condition. Schedule your appointment at 920 499-3102.

Tower Clock Eye Center doctors treat dry eye syndrome.

Dry Eye

Tower Clock Eye Center doctors are experts in treating dry eye, a chronic, common condition that affects a wide range of people, especially older adults. During each blink the eye spreads tears around the cornea, or front-facing surface of the eye. These tears are the eye’s lubrication and maintain clarity. In addition, they wash away […]

Tower Clock Eye Center's Dr. Kunal Patel, MD, discusses eye styes.

What is a stye?

We’ve all likely had one at some point, but what is a stye? And more importantly how can you prevent or treat it. Watch Dr. Kunal Patel, MD, explain what a stye is and simple things you can do to help it heal faster. For appointments, call 920 499-3102.

Tower Clock Eye Center optometrist Dr. Jacob Woldt, OD, discusses retinal photography and dilated eye exams

Retinal photography vs. pupil dilation

Watch Dr. Jacob Woldt, OD, explain the differences between two techniques for examining the retina. Retinal photography uses our Optos technology and takes a static snapshot of the retina whereas dilating the pupil makes it easier for your optometrist to better see and examine the retina in realtime. To schedule your appointment with Tower Clock […]

Watch Tower Clock Eye Center surgeon Dr. Matthew Thompson, MD, describe superficial keratectomy

Superficial keratectomy: Explained

Watch Tower Clock Eye Center cornea specialist Dr. Matthew Thompson, MD, describe a procedure known as superficial keratectomy. The procedure is considered a minor surgery and is performed to reduce inflammation, scarring and other imperfections to the cornea. Dr. Thompson explains in what cases he utilizes the procedure, and generally how it is performed. For […]

Tower Clock Eye Center's Dr. Jacob Woldt, OD, describes the concern over sudden vision changes

Sudden vision changes

Sudden vision changes can be a telltale sign of some serious health conditions. Watch Tower Clock Eye Center’s Dr. Jacob Woldt, OD, explain how sudden vision changes present and some possible serious health issues they represent. If you experience sudden changes in your vision, it is important to seek assistance immediately.

ACHOO – Sun Sneeze

ACHOO! Everyone sneezes but some of us sneeze for vastly different reasons than others. It’s maybe due to a tingle in your nose, certain smells, allergies or… sunlight? Yes, ACHOO, or autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst, is really a thing.  ACHOO is caused by sudden exposure to bright lights, and is also known as sun […]

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Dr. Patel presents to LRI

Yesterday Dr. Kunal Patel presented to the Fox Cities Living in Retirement group at Oak Park Place in Menasha. Dr. Patel spoke on everything from basic eye exams to specific glaucoma and cataract surgeries. Our surgeons frequently speak at such events to better inform the public of eye health.


Closed Labor Day

All Tower Clock Eye Center and Surgery Center locations will be closed Monday, September 2 in observance of the Labor Day holiday. We will reopen with normal business hours on Tuesday, September 3. We wish everyone to have a happy and safe Labor Day!

Locate Our Office

Green Bay Office

1087 West Mason St
Green Bay, WI 54303

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Shawano Office

229 East Green Bay Street
Shawano, WI 54166

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Tower Clock Surgery Center

1077 West Mason Street
Green Bay, WI 54303

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Appleton Office

3142 N. Richmond St.
Appleton, WI 54911

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